Lately, I've been loving going for the Lorde look with my curls, but have been having trouble with volume at my roots I decided since I liked the Psssst! Dry Shampoo, I might like this?
I thought this looked intriuging...simple as that. haha
I had been looking at this foundation for a while just wating for more people to review it first before I gave in....but Rimmel was half off all their products so I couldn't resist!
Like I said, if you want a full review on anything, just let me know! I think I'm going to do a full review on Rimmel Stay Matte for sure. xox

Yeah be sure to do a full review on the Rimmel Stay Matte. I've used their pressed powder, but the foundation looks intriguing...
i really want ti try Rimmel Stay Matte
I'm a new reader and I'm so in love with your blog! <3
hmm someone was telling me the almay softies are a dupe formulize-wise to the dior mono fusions shadows...i do like the dior shade i have and i have to admit part of it is the luxury that comes with dior. but of course, i'm down for the lower and more affordable almay price..
A Beautiful Zen