Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Paint It

Can you tell that I'm ready for spring? Too bad the groundhog saw his shadow.. haha.
This is my new "Paint It" series on my blog. Once or Twice a month I'm going to post my nail color for that week, just to show off what colors/brands I've been loving and give a quick review. :)

Base Color: Watermelon by Essie $8.49
Sparkle Top Color: Queen of Beauty by Sinful Colors $7.97

I absolutely LOVE this combination. I don't often wear glitter but when I wear this color by Essie, I feel it never looks complete without glitter on my ring finger(which is what I usually do but I was feeling particularly spunky today haha). I love Essie because it's very opaque and I usually only have to apply one coat which is nice. Now, Sinful Colors is kind of the opposite. This Sinful Colors polish has a very light glitter application, so it does take a few coats to get a good amount of glitter, but I like that in a sparkle polish. It allows for a more controlled glitter amount. If you don't want too much, then only apply one coat. If you want a lot of glitter, apply 2-3 coats. I like that you can decide how much you want. (I used about 2 coats in the pictures)

I like posting my nails every once in a while. I'm kind of a nail junkie, so I always find myself loving when other people post their nails so I can get an idea of what polish I want to try next. So my "Paint It" series is for all those nail junkies out there :)

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  1. I love glitter!
    Make sure to check out my blog:


  2. I love the watermelon color! I'm ready for spring too :D
