Saturday, February 1, 2014

Diving Districts

DISTRICTS! On thursday 1/30 was our district diving meet! All of the schools(9) in my district came together and we had our big meet of the season.

 There were 9 girls and 5 boys. The judges were scoring pretty easy, so I kept getting pretty high scores. I decided to take out one of my hardest dives because I knew I would perform better if I didnt have to worry about that dive. So I took it off my list. During warmup I was really nervous and I kept executing my dives really poorly, so then of course I got even more nervous. My friends kept distracting me during warmup so I felt like I wasn't focused. So I started ignoring her and focusing on my dives and it proved successful, for I turned out 2nd place overall and I scored 372 which is 30 points above my Personal Record and I'm headed to regionals. :) My friend Matt got 1st out of the boys and Ashlynn got 1st out of the girls! (They're the 2 people in the majority of the pictures) So proud of everyone!

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After the meet we went and pigged out at Firehouse Subs, which is basically the best sub restaraunt ever. Then got froyo during which my car freaked out on me and broke down! Ashlynn had to give me a ride home. My poor car is so old it's hanging on it's last strings of life... 
Besides my car not turning over, it was a good day! I'm so thankful for the people in this program.
*sorry for the poor picture quality, these were taken on iphones*
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