First of all though, MY FRIEND GOT FIRST AT STATE FOR 1 METER DIVING! Out of everyone in the whole state of Texas, she is the best! That's crazy!! I'm so proud of her! She did amazing and totally earned it, she's one of the hardest workers I know. Although I didn't get to go to state with her, I did get to watch her live from my computer at home, which was almost as exciting. :) I am determined to work my butt off this year so that I can go to state with her next year for my senior year. Because I want to go to state SO BADLY.
Friday night I hung out with 3 of my really good friends and we tried to get into mischief but failed. We keep saying how we want to do new and adventurous things together but we completely failed. (It wasn't anything bad haha we're too good of kids to be mischievous) I'm not going to go into much detail but basically I drove all around the city and wasted a quarter tank of gas. Here's a picture from that night:
oh and today is my bestfriend's 17th birthday! So Happy Birthday to Matt!
*If you don't know what What-a-Week Sunday is....Every Sunday I make a post of a few good things that made me smile/laugh/cry during the week, so that in the future I can look back and reread these posts and remember what made me happy at one point in my life because I have a terrible memory and tend to forget these sort of things. Feel free to scroll past these posts. xox

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